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Celsia introduces electrolytic tin plating
Celsia, a brand of OMCD Group specializing in the production of electrical contacts, has recently [...]
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OMCD Tek Hub SpA is Born: The New Frontier of Hard Metal
FILMS SpA and HARDITALIA Srl merge into one company under the name of OMCD Tek Hub SpA
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Two HI.Lab Presentations at the AIM's International Meeting on Circular Metallurgy
Mrs. Tedeschi and Mrs. Pirone from HI.Lab will present t the AIM’s International Meeting on Circular Metallurgy their work dedicated to circular models for Hard Metal production.
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HI.Lab Awarded at Euro PM2024 for Innovation in Hard Metals
HI.Lab presentation awarded as Keynote Lecturer at Euro PM2024.
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FILMS participates in "Fabbriche Aperte Piemonte 2024"
Our FILMS plant in Anzola d'Ossola will take part in the fifth edition of "Fabbriche [...]
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FILMS installs a new photovoltaic system: a new step towards sustainable energy
FILMS completed the installation of a new 265 kWp photovoltaic system, which will allow the production of around 250 MWh per year.
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New funding for DIMOTEK, towards the Circular Economy
Our company DIMOTEK received funding from the European Union through the NextGenerationEU instrument. The specific [...]
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Robots with FILMS components at RoboCup 2024 World Championships
Excellent results at the RoboCup World Championships for the robots built with components produced by FILMS SpA.
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OMCD Group at the EPMA Summer School 2024
Founded in 1989, the EPMA (European Powder Metallurgy Association) aims to promote and support the [...]
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TM2 of the RESQTOOL Project hosted by FILMS
13 companies gathered to discuss innovative strategies to reduce the carbon footprint and develop sustainable processes in industrial recovery.
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Accelerate the design and Insertion of non-crm hard Material for Next generation EXTreme applications Horizon-MSCA-2022 [...]
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OMCD Group celebrates 100 years of Hard Metal
1923. A researcher from the German company Osram, Karl Schröter, had been commissioned to find [...]
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Scleros on the daily newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore"
The Italian economic-political-financial daily newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore" dedicated a special service to some [...]
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Organic acids for a more sustainable recycling: where do we stand?
HI.Lab, OMCD Group's physical-metallurgical laboratory, adds a new publication to its already rich portfolio. Entitled [...]
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Merger by incorporation of UGP Srl into Harditalia Srl
As of 1st May 2023, Harditalia's production quality and UGP's experience in sharpening will merge [...]
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Green hydrogen: FILMS SpA will build one of three plants in the Piemonte Region
The Piemonte Region has completed the selection procedure of the application for the announcement launched [...]
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HI.Lab welcomes its new FEG-SEM
In February 2022, the OMCD Group's HI.Lab took another important step in keeping its instrumentation [...]
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OMCD Group joins PMI DAY 2022
OMCD Group has once again joined the National Day of Small and Medium Industries - [...]
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Open Day for the 50th Anniversary of Harditalia
Family and company together for 50 years! How a party can be an opportunity to [...]
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NDR TEK Pty Ltd: new DIAMIL distributor
DIAMIL, Harditalia’s brand specialized in the design and production of Hard Metal inserts and tools [...]
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Screw conveyor for the formation of technical ceramics
Technical ceramics, used for insulators and industrial applications (whether they are high-performance mechanical, aeronautical or [...]
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School groups discovering the world of Hard Metal
Great adhesion to the project: "Scuola Futuro Vco", proposed by the Young Entrepreneures Group of [...]
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Concrete tile extrusion and forming components
FILMS boasts important clients who manufacture and use plants for the realization of cement tiles, [...]
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Winning move for OMCD Group
From 1 January 2022 the OMCD business unit relating to the management of services for [...]
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BB Accademy interviews Alberto Tedeschi
BB Academy (Best Business Academy) is an online platform born in 2020 that, through its [...]
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The metal industry, the gold of Made in Italy - Interview with Alberto Tedeschi - Corriere della Sera
In the Economy section of today's national edition of Corriere della Sera (see page 53), [...]
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An industrial experience of circular economy in the production of hardmetal, a strategic composite material
On December 2, Dr.Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, head of HI.Lab, presented the success of the [...]
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Green Recovery Metal: our new transferable brand
The OMCD group has always been sensitive to environmental issues and has adopted a "green [...]
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12th Small and Medium Enterprises National Day - November 19, 2021 and OMCD Group
The Committee "Small Industry" of the Industrial Union of Verbano Cusio Ossola adheres again this [...]
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Alberto Tedeschi was elected as member of the General Council of the Industrial Union in the area of Verbano-Cusio Ossola
This is a delighted return for the CEO of OMCD to represent the VCO territory [...]
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Diamil’s team always by you side
Focused on the design and production of tools and finished inserts for steel applications, the [...]
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Presence on the territory: Collaborative robotics project
We are pleased to announce that the VCO area initiative, which views the students of [...]
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UGP: Small companies thrive
From 2021, the strategic objective of supplying in a timely manner is expanded to include [...]
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Hard metal parts for aluminium forging
<<Aluminum - identified with the symbol AL - is a common element that constitutes 8% [...]
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Toothed blades for graphite threading
Harditalia has ventured into a new expertise: the production of toothed blades for graphite threadingand [...]
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Harditalia’s Strategic Choice of 2021: Go Special, Buy Local
Harditalia, leader in the Italian market of carbide blanks for screw and bolt stamping equipment, [...]
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FILMS Produces Large Integral Blades
A new challenge has been overcome by the FILMS team: no more preconceptions when it [...]
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A step forward for Dimotek
The Bulgarian OMCD Group company has joined the European Programme "Innovations and Competitiveness 2014-2020", presenting [...]
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Molybdenum as an additive in Hard Metal
On January 18th-19th and on the 25th-26th 2021, the 38th National Conference of AIM (Italian [...]
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OMCD and Christmas dinner at employees’ homes
In recent days, OMCD Group’s employees have received special Christmas boxes containing some traditional gastronomic [...]
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OMCD Group’s CEO guest at Sky Business 24's “Pole Position”
Our CEO, Mr Alberto Tedeschi, was recently invited to the Sky TV studios to participate [...]
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FaReTra, or Fair Remote Training Online Learning
As part of the activities of FaReTra (Fair Remote Training), the way the Italian Association [...]
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The EURO PM2020 in virtual mode
The EURO PM, the most important European Congress on Powder Metallurgy (PM), was held again [...]
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Scleros' Adjustable Drawing Dies
Adjustable drawing dies are dies inside of which there are adjustable components that allow you [...]
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Copper and Chromium: a perfect combination
Electrical Contacts with copper-chromium (CuCr) sintered parts are being used increasingly more in the medium [...]
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HI.Lab’s new contribution to corrosion research
The "International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials" magazine edited by Elsevier B.V. has [...]
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Inner cage trim for choke valves
Turning a crisis into an opportunity: we present FILMS’ flagship product of this strange year. [...]
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The importance of protecting strategic production assets in the days of Covid-19
One of the more prominent local newspapers dedicated an article to OMCD Group illustrating how [...]
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Hard metal blades and rollers for the production of protective face masks
The “Cura Italia” decree issued on March 17th and definitively converted into law on April [...]
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Covid-19: the vision of the CEO of OMCD Group in an interview of VCO Azzurra TV
The CEO of OMCD Group, Mr. Alberto Tedeschi, was interviewed by Arch. Daniele Menzio for [...]
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An HI.Lab study on Materials Today Communication
We are pleased to announce the upcoming publication of an article in the 24th issue [...]
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Need to dispose of sludge materials? The OMCD recycling plant is your solution.
We often hear about the problems concerning the disposal of metal sludge and how it [...]
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Collaborative Robotics
On Friday January 24th, the Industrial Union of the VCO at its historic headquarters in [...]
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OMCD Group appoints Michele Delogu COO of the Hard Metal division
OMCD Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Engineer Michele Delogu as Chief Operating [...]
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Over 100 visitors in FILMS for “Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte”
120 participants 10 guided tours 6 production departments involved 5 applications of our products displayed [...]
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My story of EURO PM2019
For the third year running, the Head of HI.Lab, the OMCD Group’s physical-metallurgical laboratory, Dr. [...]
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OMCD Group leaves a big mark with the 32nd Edition of the AGM
Great success for the 32nd edition of the Annual General Meeting, organized by ITIA and hosted, this year, by OMCD Group.
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"Every building has a steel core"
Steel is the backbone of most modern buildings: it is the essential component for modern [...]
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The 32nd ITIA Annual General Meeting hosted by OMCD
This year OMCD, with the company FILMS, will act as host on the occasion of the [...]
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HI.Lab: the new OMCD brand
The OMCD Group is pleased to introduce HI.Lab, a new brand that spans 70 years [...]
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Celsia galvanic treatments
Galvanic treatments consist in electrochemically coating products with a thin metal layer, in order to [...]
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When profit meets the environment and people: our “GREEN ECONOMY” policy
OMCD Group pays much attention to environmental issues and is committed to a sustainable development, [...]
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"Tedeschi, the tungsten family"
The daily newspaper “Avvenire” has interviewed our CEO Alberto Tedeschi. The result is a beautiful [...]
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Incredible similarities between the MACROSCOPIC world of celestial phenomena and the MICROSCOPIC world of sintering
The similarities between the results of two processes occurring on such different scales are astounding! [...]
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“I will reveal the secrets of Hard Metal”
The press has shown new interest in our group. On Thursday, March 21st 2019 the [...]
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OMCD represented at the International Conference on the Science of Hard Materials (ICSHM11)
Dr. De Gaudenzi, Powder Production & Laboratory Manager of OMCD Group, will participate at the [...]
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Fastener Fair: why we believe in it
Fastener Fair: what is it? It is the most prestigious International Exhibition for the Screws, [...]
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OMCD live on RAI3!
On Tuesday 12th March 2019, we appeared on “Buongiorno Regione”, a live RAI 3 programme. [...]
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OMCD Group on TV!
On Tuesday March 12th at 7.30 a.m. the Italian television channel RAI3 will be talking [...]
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The metallurgical laboratory: OMCD is a protagonist at Euro PM2019
We’re pleased to announce that the manager of our Group’s metallurgical laboratory, Dr. Gian Pietro [...]
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Scleros: Coated drawing dies for steel industry - Increased life-span and speed
Scleros dedicated many resources to finding a method of significantly increasing speed during the drawing [...]
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A story of an italian partnership
Harditalia is proud to have partnered with the Politecnico of Milano’s Engineering Department in the [...]
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Fastener world: how to create Hard Metal dies that are resistant to both wear and impact
More toughness, less wear, longer life guaranteed by H grades
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Hot Isostatic Pressing at F.I.L.M.S. SpA (OMCD Group)
Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) was developed in the 1950s at the Battelle Memorial Institute in [...]
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Proud to have partnered with Politecnico di Milano
Harditalia srl is proud to have partnered with the Politecnico di Milano’s Engineering Department in [...]
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New Diamil grade reaches greater performances in O.D. galvanized tube scarfing
Diamil is a Harditalia trade mark dedicated to inserts. Its production is aimed primarily at [...]
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Good news in the production of tungsten carbide rolls
FILMS produces tungsten carbide rolls for hot and cold rolling, for both steel and non-ferrous [...]
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Italian leaders in electron beam welding
Celsia is based near Lake Maggiore, in the Verbania area of northern Italy, situated between [...]
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Oil and gas: Disc Stack for choke valves
The oil and gas industry represents a key sector which is currently generating rapid growth [...]
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Powder metallurgy: hard metal history
The development of civilization is closely connected to the discovery of metal. The first metals [...]
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Sandblasting and shot peening
Industrial sandblasting (with shot blasting tunnel) is a well known process in which products were [...]
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Hard metal in the homogenization industry of ketchup: Cost and contamination
Hard metal applications field includes also drug & food industry. One of the most critical, [...]
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CELSIA and F.I.L.M.S. SpA - Together we are stronger
The merger of Celsia SpA into F.I.L.M.S. SpA has been implemented with effect from 31 [...]
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Celsia full certified managing system
The international Rule ISO 14001 is a tool which companies may voluntarily apply for to [...]
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With scrap metal recycling we win together
There are 4 good reasons to recycle scrap metal: enviromental strategic qualitative practical
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Scleros on the magazine "Tecnologia Industriale"
With great pleasure we share an article by Andrea Martinello, published in the trade magazine [...]
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