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    A peeler is a special multi-insert lathe capable of transforming a raw laminate high in defects and inclusions into a bar with tight dimensional tolerance, low roughness and absence of surface defects.

    It has three basic elements:
    1. A system of guides that guarantees only the longitudinal movement of the bar, avoiding rotations or vibrations.
      Diamil manufactures rollers, pins and slides in Hard Metal, used in the infeed and outfeed guides of most peelers on the market. Thanks to the expertise in sintering and grinding of OMCD subsidiaries, Diamil is able not only to offer the product at a competitive price, but also to optimize the performance of its components using specific grades of Hard Metal, depending on the dimensions and loads supported in different sizes of machines.

    2. A system of tools, known as the "peeling head", which guarantees perfect synchronicity in the cutting of the inserts present.
      Diamil is specialized in the design and manufacture of this complex system of tools and the elements that make it up. Its application expertise enables it to supply not only spare parts, but also solutions able to adapt the machine to the specific production needs of customers, both for machines that have already been installed and for new projects.

    3. A series of Hard Metal inserts (usually four, but up to eighteen) that work simultaneously, characterized by a geometry capable of removing significant amounts of material and at the same time polishing the bar. This is the most important part of the peeler, being the true centrepiece of the system. Diamil today boasts the widest range of peeling inserts on the market, not only in terms of geometry, but also in terms of chipbreakers. The right combination of cutting angle (due to the external shape) and chipbreaker allows the energy consumption, chip size and quality of the peeled surface to be optimized: the three essential factors to optimize productivity.
      Thanks to the support of HI.Lab, OMCD's physical-metallurgical laboratory, Diamil produces the above mentioned inserts in four different grades of Tungsten Carbide, guaranteeing the perfect combination of toughness and wear resistance for all peeled materials.
    All Diamil components are characterized by their high quality, adaptable to the different peelers on the market and with a plurality of models designed to optimize, with the same machine layout, productivity, longevity and quality.