We don’t just comply with current legislation. We undertake some activities in line with ESG (E – Environment, S – Social, G – Governance) standards, which have the triple function of optimizing natural resource utilization, having a low impact on the external environment and at the same time increasing profit:
- Evaluation of suppliers based on their approach to sustainable issues.
- An energy manager, who constantly monitors the consumption of energy resources, performs regular energy efficiency improvement interventions, and carries out activities aimed at the conscious use and utilization of resources.
- Raising awareness among the workers, spreading an eco-friendly mentality.
- Use of as little plastic as possible for the packaging of products, choosing more eco-friendly alternatives.
- Evaluation of the noise impact on the community according to municipal noise zoning plans.
- Constant monitoring by authorized bodies of: water discharges, emissions in the atmosphere, potential soil contamination, potential smells generated, visual impact and healthiness of the workplace.
- Collection, regeneration and reuse of Hard Metal scrap from industrial processing and products that have reached the end of their lives.
- Special attention to the origin of raw materials used in production processes.
- Adoption of virtuous practices in worker health and safety, as well as a strong focus on corporate welfare and well-being.