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    FILMS invests a great deal of energy daily in terms of research and development in the dairy, food & beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. In addition to the formulation of specific grades of Tungsten Carbide, FILMS is able to provide, on request, M.O.C.A. declarations, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004.
    FILMS hard metal components are used at the heart of high pressure homogenisation plants, consisting of valves and piston pumps that are the basis of their operation: by transforming food particles into nanoparticles, they reduce their microbial load without the intervention of chemical additives. Our products are also used in treatment plants for drinking water flows, or more generally in all equipment subject to extremely intense fluid-mechanical stress.

    • Static bushing for magnetic stirrer unit
    • Dynamic bushing for magnetic stirrer unit
    • Rotating bushing for magnetic stirrer unit
    • Nozzles for atomizers
    • Homogenisation heads
    • Pistons for pumps and very high pressure systems for water treatment