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    This sector is inherent to the production of tools for cutting materials of various kinds, such as discs, knives, blades, hobs, etc..
    From the integral hard metal discs made by FILMS it is possible to obtain cutters and circular saws of various kinds: straight teeth, alternating, special profile cutters and three-cutters, for cutting (also fine and extra fine) different materials. From the rough-shaped items destined for the preparation of the Hobs, the gear elements used for the differentials in the Automotive sector are produced.
    In accordance with the needs of its clients, FILMS produces different types of Hard Metal, specifically designed to better meet the mechanical characteristics required and ensure the long life of its tools.

    • Integral disks for cutters and circular saws
    • Circular discs
    • Blades
    • Transversal knives
    • Hobs