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    The mechanical seal is a set of elements installed on the rotating shaft of a machine (centrifugal pumps, compressors, agitators, mixers, etc..), which performs the function of holding a fluid inside and avoiding its dispersion in the external environment.
    This sector represents an opportunity for the wide use of FILMS hard metal products, whose industrial application fields range from the pumping of more or less abrasive liquids in more or less severe conditions, to the treatment of waste water and the drainage of wells, to the food and canning sector, where the use of centrifuges, separators and magnetic stirrers require the use of wear-resistant components.
    Thanks to the experience gained from decades of activity in this market, FILMS has developed, in collaboration with the main companies in the sector, specific products and qualities of Tungsten Carbide for these fields of application.

    • Stationary rings for seals
    • Rotary rings for seals
    • Static bushing
    • Dynamic bushing
    • Rotating bushing
    • Bronze bushings
    • Thrust bearing