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    Shearing is a forming process for sheet metal produced in large series. Specifically, the metal sheets are profiled thanks to the cut generated by the opposing action of dies and punches. The same operation can also be defined as punching, although there is actually a small difference. Blanking is in fact the operation in which the blanked part is the piece to be produced, while in punching the cut part is the scrap.

    Bending and drawing are a process similar to blanking, in which, however, dies and punches plastically deform the sheet metal without removing material.

    For all these processes, Hard Metal is widely used. Its high rigidity allows tight couplings between dies and punches and its high level of hardness makes it possible to produce shapes whose sharpness lasts over time.


    Blocks and pre-forms for shearing

    We offer both rough and ground parallelepiped blocks in various sizes. For clients interested in pre-formed blocks for dies, we offer custom-made parts with brazed metal dowels. Conscious of the very high quality standards required by the application, we carry out non-invasive checks on 100% of the parts produced. Alongside the classic WC-Co systems, we offer a series of "corrosion free" grades specifically designed to reduce the oxidative effects and micro cracks that are generated in EDM processes. EDM cutting is an obligatory step for the production of dies and punches and the quality of the surface finish is a fundamental aspect to guarantee the tightness of the cutting profiles.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: J55F, K34B, S28E, S55F

    Rough pre-formed items for bending and drawing

    We offer custom made rough-shaped items according to the client's design, with the realization of fixing holes and a three-dimensional shape.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: J55F, K34B, S28E, S55F

    Integral pre-formed punches

    As a complement to the offer of blocks, we produce pre-formed punches, made according to the client's design with holes and/or fixing stops.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: K34B, S28E, K05C, L97C


    We offer cylindrical and shaped braze welding rings for punches and large pressing dies.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: K38B, K25F, K18F, K05C, L97C


    We offer a series of 330 mm long cylindrical bars in our K34B quality dedicated to the sector, ready in stock in the diameters of greatest consumption. They are available in both rough and ground h7 polished finish. On request we supply bars with special diameters and lengths.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: K34B, K18F