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    “Cutting” is a vast world that can include multiple applications. From steel cutting to paper cutting, from plastics to rubber. Each material, as well as the type of cut to be made, requires specific geometries and grades.
    Our range includes solutions dedicated to each type of product, whether it is a standard imposed by the market or completely customized to the client’s needs.
    For these applications the main characteristic required is hardness to minimize the wear effects of the cutting edge. Depending on the particular types of machinery used, it may be important to guarantee toughness to avoid accidental breakages, potentially very dangerous in rotating blades.


    Rough discs

    We offer discs blanks for toothed blades and coil cutting blades (winders/slitting knives). On request we can perform any special machining, such as keyways, drive and clamping holes, and surface machining. Thanks to an efficient warehouse, we can guarantee prompt delivery on many sizes.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: H78F, J68F, J55F, K34B


    We offer both raw and pre-adjusted linear cutting blades. On request we carry out special machining, according to the design, such as fixing holes, chamfers, special shapes. Knowing the needs of our clients, we attach particular importance to the fact that subsequent machining (such as grinding and sharpening) can be carried out in the shortest possible time. For this reason we guarantee low stock allowances and tight parallelism and flatness tolerances.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: K34B, J55F, H78F


    We offer knives of any shape and size, with tapering, holes, radii and any other shape required, in different qualities of Hard Metal depending on the application.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: H78F, J68F, J55F, K34B, K18F


    We offer parallelepiped bars with thickness from 1.3 mm to 10.3 mm, width from 2.3 mm to 50.3 mm and length up to 600mm. Most sizes are available from the warehouse in J55F (K10-K20) and K34B (K30-K40) grades. On request we can supply bars with special shapes or qualities.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: H78F, J55F, K34B S55F, S28E