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    Lamination is a continuous forming process of a billet by the action of two or more opposed rolls. The group of rolls is enclosed in a cage. Each cage can provide a simple reduction in size, or combine the reduction with the creation of a different profile.
    For this application both wear resistance and thermal and mechanical fatigue toughness characteristics are important.

    Lamination rollers and bar guide rolls

    We offer both flat and pre-shaped rough laminating rolls and bar guide rolls.
    Where required, we offer reductions, keyways and bearing housings.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: J55F, K34B, K18F, K05C, L97, L85C

    Forming rolls

    We offer rough forming rolls with external preforming, keyways and bearing housings.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: J55F, K34B, K18F, K05C, L97C