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    “Cutting” is a vast world that can include multiple applications, from steel cutting to paper cutting, plastics to rubber. Each material, as well as the type of cut to be made, requires specific geometries and grades.

    Each type of material obviously requires dedicated products and grades. Our wide range includes all types of products, whether standard or customized according to the client’s needs. Our grades are created to optimise yield according to the application.


    Rough discs

    We produce circular discs for the production of toothed blades and blades for cutting reels (winders/slitting knives).

    We offer discs with the following dimensions
    • Outer diameter from 8 mm to 213 mm
    • Thickness from 0.8 mm to 50 mm (variable according to external diameter)
    We can also carry out special machining operations at the client's request, such as keyways, drive and fixing holes, and lowerings.

    We have the most used sizes ready in stock for immediate delivery.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: H78F, J68F, J55F, K34B

    Applications: Cutting paper, corrugated cardboard, plastic material, steel.

    Long blades and bars

    We produce different types of rough or pre-adjusted cutting blades with different geometries and sizes. We can also supply blades to design with special finishes such as:
    • fixing holes
    • chamfers
    • special shapes
    The maximum length we can produce is 540 mm.

    Knowing the needs of our clients, we attach particular importance to the fact that subsequent operations (such as grinding and sharpening) can be carried out in the shortest possible time. For this reason, we guarantee minimum over-metals and tight tolerances of parallelism and flatness.

    Our standard production includes rectangular bars with the following dimensions:
    • Thickness from 2.0 to 20.3 mm
    • Width from 6.4 mm to 20.3 mm
    • Length 330 mm
    Many sizes are available from stock in J55F and K34B grades.

    Recommended Hard Metal Qualities: K34B, J55F, H78F

    Applications: paper industry, plastics, mechanical engineering, medical and health care industries.


    We can supply knives of any shape and size, with sharpening, holes, radii, and in different grades, depending on the application.

    Recommended Hard Metal Qualities: H78F, J68F, J55F, K34B, K18F

    Applications: paper industry, plastics industry, engineering industry, medical, health and wood industries