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    Pressing is a progressive moulding process, through a succession of dies, through which a metal blank is plastically deformed until it reaches the desired shape.


    Nibs for dies and punches for deformation/moulding.

    A special production line is dedicated to cold forming dies, to guarantee high levels of quality while maintaining short delivery times. We produce both cylindrical and preformed bushings. The latter allow our clients to significantly reduce the time required for subsequent finishing operations.

    Our Tungsten Carbide grades are developed in collaboration with our clients and divided into different categories, based on the presence of Cobalt and grain size, in order to optimise performance in any process.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: K34B, K18F, K05C, L97C, L85C, L78C

    Applications: Automotive sector, tooling, construction, metal fabrication

    Segments for press dies

    Another standard product in our range are the segments for press dies. By following the client's instructions, we are able to supply segments of any size, completely preformed, reducing the subsequent machining processes.

    Recommended Hard Metal Quality: K05C, L97C, L85C, L78C

    Applications: Automotive sector, tooling, construction, metal fabrication