IOMCD Group pays great attention to issues concerning sustainability and has been adopting a “green economy” for years: we carry out our business and development activities while impacting the external environment as little as possible.

We don’t just comply with current legislation. We undertake some activities in line with ESG (E – Environment, S – Social, G – Governance) standards, which have the triple function of optimizing natural resource utilization, having a low impact on the external environment and at the same time increasing profit:

  • Evaluation of suppliers based on their approach to sustainable issues.
  • An energy manager, who constantly monitors the consumption of energy resources, performs regular energy efficiency improvement interventions, and carries out activities aimed at the conscious use and utilization of resources.
  • Raising awareness among the workers, spreading an eco-friendly mentality.
  • Use of as little plastic as possible for the packaging of products, choosing more eco-friendly alternatives.
  • Evaluation of the noise impact on the community according to municipal noise zoning plans.
  • Constant monitoring by authorized bodies of: water discharges, emissions in the atmosphere, potential soil contamination, potential smells generated, visual impact and healthiness of the workplace.
  • Collection, regeneration and reuse of Hard Metal scrap from industrial processing and products that have reached the end of their lives.
  • Special attention to the origin of raw materials used in production processes.
  • Adoption of virtuous practices in worker health and safety, as well as a strong focus on corporate welfare and well-being.
Green Economy

E - environment



Among the activities within this policy is the adoption of a circular economy


Green Hydrogen Production

Green hydrogen: FILMS SpA will build one of three plants in the Piemonte Region

Progetto ResQtool


A project on developing sustainable and energy efficient solutions

S - social

Conflict Minerals

Responsible supply of Minerals

We are committed to operating in a socially responsible manner within the supply chain

G - governance



F.I.L.M.S. SpA. and HARDITALIA Srl have adopted a Whistleblowing system


Since 2012 FILMS is UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certified for its environmental management system.

To know more:

Grievance Contact Form

In OMCD Group we put great operational and economic efforts to be in line with all aspects of ESG and we hope that all our stakeholders will adopt behaviors in line with our sustainability values.

There is a risk, however, that something will get out of our control and illegal or unethical conduct will occur. In such a case, please kindly report them to us via the appropriate Grievance Contact Form, to give us a way to become aware of them and address them immediately.

All complaints can be submitted anonymously and will be treated confidentially. By not leaving us your contact information, however, we will have no way to contact you back.

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