
Home / Contacts
OMCD TEK HUB SpA – Divisione UGP
Cod. Fisc. / P.IVA: 00116980038

Registered Office:
Via Megolo, 43
28877 Anzola d’Ossola
(VB) Italy

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Production Plant:

Via B. Cellini, 25
Fraz. Caslino al Piano
22071 Cadorago (CO), Italy

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UGP is located in Cadorago (CO) in the North of Italy, in the heart of the main italian industrial pole.
It is a few km from Lake Como and is easily reachable from the main airports of northern Italy.

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    UGP has been operating in the field of cemented carbide tool grinding since 1969.Thanks to decades of experience in grinding and the purchase of new machineries, UGP has now increased the range of processes offered even further with a new department dedicated to the grinding of special wear-resistant components in hard metal.

    Boasting a vast fleet of machinery, the company performs flat faces, internal and external grinding and inserts sharpening.

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